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Dangerous Goods Re-certification - 19th October (FULL)

Dangerous Goods Re-certification - 19th October (FULL)
This course is designed to recertify/update those who have undertaken the air initial acceptance course for a further 2 years from previous course

You can re-certify up to three (3) months BEFORE your current certificate is due to expire, whilst retaining the day/month of expiry 2 years hence.


  • Revision of IATA Regulations
  • Update of Civil Aviation Regulations
  • Additions and Changes to Current Regulations
  • Shipper's Declaration Exercises

For those who haven't completed a previous AFIF Course, evidence of previous training is required


1 Day [9.00am - 5.00pm] or untill completion of exam 

This course is currently being completed via ZOOM due to COVID-19 restrictions.

10/19/2020 9:00 AM
AUS Eastern Summer Time
Registration not available.