Standard Procedure for Preloading Manual

Standard Procedure for Preloading Manual

This manual will assist:

Airlines by enhancing customer service through improved efficiency and shipment timings as well as by providing a single PLACI reference point for multiple regulatory regimes and supply chain partners

Freight Forwarders by providing a means to deal with a multifaceted, multilayered air cargo supply chain in a consistent manner and, also, by clarifying PLACI-related rules and processes

Customs Authorities by promoting the mutual recognition of procedures and by facilitating training based on industry-agreed standards

Ground Handlers by establishing their responsibilities and obligations with well-documented procedures and by allowing them to better manage their resources based on advance information

IT and Security by encouraging the promotion of standards to keep the air cargo supply chain secure and by providing a user-friendly way to assess existing initiatives and plan future upgrades

Please contact IFCBAA Office if more information is required [email protected]

** Below price includes Shipping & GST**