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VIC Freight Forwarding Forum - 18 July 2024

Register for the inaugural VIC Freight Forwarding Forum

A must attend industry event for those involved in the international freight forwarding industry in VIC.

Hear about the latest developments, issues, and trends involving the shipping industry, ports, air cargo handling services and ABF.

When: Thursday 18th July 2024
Time: 8:00AM - 12:00PM
Where:The Best Western Airport Conference Centre 
33 Ardlie St, Attwood, VIC, 3049

Price: Members: $50.00 + GST
Non-Members:    $60.00 + GST

For those without an IFCBAA Login, please send an email to Claire Gilmour   [email protected]

Thank you to our Event Partner for supporting this event

7/18/2024 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
AUS Eastern Standard Time
33 Ardlie St Attwood VIC 3049