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Ready to Sign In or Register?

Are you a CBFCA member?
If you are a current member of the CBFCA, signing in will give you access to member only information and you can view event details and/or register for an event, please sign in with your CBFCA username and password.  If you are unsure of your login details just click on the Forgot "my password" or "my username" link.
Note: To register for events you must sign in using your Individual not the Business Username and Password
Are you a non-member who has registered here previously?
Please sign in using the username and password you created previously to view event details and/or register for an event.  If you are unsure of the details just click on the Forgot "my password" or "my username" link.
Are you a non-member who has not registered here previously?
In order that you can view event details and/or register for an event, please click on "Create a new account" to obtain username and password and then sign in with your CBFCA username and password to view event details and to register.

National Conference 2022 - Registration of Interest

National Conference 2022 - Registration of Interest
If you are unsure of whether you can attend the IFCBAA National Conference but would like to reserve a spot - Register your interest here!
There is no cost and we will keep you up to date with all information as it comes to hand.

Once you have decided to attend the IFCBAA National Conference please contact our Conference Administrator, Jodie Murray,
[email protected] who will advise the next steps for Registration.

Surfers Paradise Marriot Resort & Spa 158 Ferny Ave Surfers Paradise 4217