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Are you a CBFCA member?
If you are a current member of the CBFCA, signing in will give you access to member only information and you can view event details and/or register for an event, please sign in with your CBFCA username and password.  If you are unsure of your login details just click on the Forgot "my password" or "my username" link.
Note: To register for events you must sign in using your Individual not the Business Username and Password
Are you a non-member who has registered here previously?
Please sign in using the username and password you created previously to view event details and/or register for an event.  If you are unsure of the details just click on the Forgot "my password" or "my username" link.
Are you a non-member who has not registered here previously?
In order that you can view event details and/or register for an event, please click on "Create a new account" to obtain username and password and then sign in with your CBFCA username and password to view event details and to register.

TLI50316 Diploma of International Freight Forwarding

TLI50316 Diploma of International Freight Forwarding
The Diploma of International Freight Forwarding is a mix of fully facilitated and self-directed study. It contains up-to-date, real world content in an easy-going format that benefits both students and employers. The Diploma’s format allows you to study flexibly around your life and work commitments. However you’re not left on your own, with direct one-on-one access to subject matter experts and peer group forums for support throughout your learning and assessment.
10/1/2020 - 10/30/2020
Online registration not available.